Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thelonious Monk Bootlegs

Thanks You and my Playful

This moment is ours, do not compare times or seasons
in alternating light vision
shady tavern;
that had its time and place.
Today you, me, and just world
when lewd embrace surrounds
whooping and comprehensive, your architecture.
Nothing was similar in the past,
because yesterday I live, has been deleted,
and there is only you and my mischief.
The unique charm of the past is that it is the past.

Oscar Wilde

Thursday, February 12, 2009

How Much Is Nedgraphic Software?

I have fear of the night;

hours are so long and so big my bed ...

times only dream of you aware,

but not when I sleep.

And waking suddenly

stretched to you hand and do not find you.

You go back to my mind,

and your absence is fear,

your quiet solitude.

How good is the angle of the thighs open

what the double curves of hips and breasts,

if you just show a shadow in the shade,

if you only imprison my mind and my desire?

I do not want myself

as thou shouldst,

lacks voice and breath to my hand,

and ritual of rubbing silky, unexpected or new,

missing your sweats, you groan,

the mystery of what so many times you have created in my flesh,

and seems ever so present, so unprecedented.

When I wake up and we are orphaned and you lack,

when the hunger for sex in tremors shake me, and yells lusts,

afraid I have to do,

because it is never more honda, saddest, most painful,

loneliness gripped me then, I curls, bubbles in my night,

as if only you were a mirror image.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy Birthday In Bubble Letters


"I make fun of you, death,

I laugh and I laugh at you.

In this world where I live,

my sadness will end.

I have
a little freedom.

Nothing and nobody will stop me

still looking for that something more. "


Why not let them rest and her and her whole family?

What we believe we are to decide about others?
Eluana, I hope your family get it despite all the obstacles.