Dakko_ of Only Truths has done me the great honor to award the prize Blog de Ouro 2008 .
Thank you for remembering me when to share the prize and thank you very much to all who read me and you leave your comments every day.
I am very happy to share my concerns with you and be part of a community blogger, that makes me feel wonderful people there and that this world has very good things, especially you.
Thanks for always being there.
Okay, now for me to nominate other and go to: Out of control
, for offering a lot of possibilities not get bored.
Where dreams live, to have the most wonderful way of looking at life and love.
Felipowen , for some wonderful photos.
Gas Light, for his wonderful way of telling how he feels.
Etterna Tanay, a blog full of love and terror, but charming.
Susan Cave, where women we are more women if possible.
A poem, a life , a place where poetry is magic, like its writer.
Poets Cafe, a blog full of beautiful lyrics and no less beautiful images.
A day without laughter is a day without living , without whose help this blog would not be what it is. And
atodos who pass by here to give me a little happier every day.
A big kiss from this, my world.
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