Legend has it that once, a snake began to chase a firefly, it quickly fled the fierce predatory but the snake was not going to stop.
fled one day and she did not give up two days and nothing.
the third day, the Firefly stopped pretending to be exhausted and said unto the serpent
- Wait, I give up, but before you get me let me ask you some questions.
- I do not usually give it to anyone but as above I think you eat, you can ask.
- Do I belong in your food chain?
- No.
- Have you made some wrong?
- No.
- So what do you want to kill me?
- Because I can not stand to see you shine.
fled one day and she did not give up two days and nothing.
the third day, the Firefly stopped pretending to be exhausted and said unto the serpent
- Wait, I give up, but before you get me let me ask you some questions.
- I do not usually give it to anyone but as above I think you eat, you can ask.
- Do I belong in your food chain?
- No.
- Have you made some wrong?
- No.
- So what do you want to kill me?
- Because I can not stand to see you shine.
The firefly dared to seek such information, because I wanted to understand the situation to all appearances seemed pointless.
Once aware of numbness and envy of the serpent, just smiled and fly higher and faster still, so that the snake was left wanting for that bit so bright that proved to be beyond their reach.
In a final nod of his light, winged bug shouted to the snake, well above her:
- "It's time you learned to shine yourself in a way so beautiful that we have fireflies, we note with admiration, your big glow "
There are many people who can not bear to see shine others envy his life, his achievements, his family and even your smile!
If anyone so we touch in life, never cease to shine, never cease to remain ourselves, keep doing and giving the best of us, until those people realize they can not make us anything wrong and that our light will always remain intact, and maybe then, they start trying to shine by themselves as well.
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